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Hong Kong Football Manager & Championship Manager Official Fans Site 香港FM及CM官方球迷網


1) 西班牙非歐盟球員問題。
2) 體能不斷下跌的問題,但建議最好重開一個新遊戲。
3) 修正挪威預備組聯賽問題。



** 由於CM舊系列與Windows XP、Windows 7及Vista並不兼容,因此大部分使用Windows XP作為OS的玩家執行遊戲後遊戲會表示沒有足夠的RAM執行遊戲,要解決問題便需要下載Microsoft的Application Compatibility Toolkit (ACT)最新版本,並然後照著下列指示去做便可。

- After installing latest version of ACT, run Compatibility Administrator
- In the left side panel it should be focused on "New Database" under "Custom Databases". If not, make it so.
- Right click "New database(1)", go into the "Create New" menu and click on "Application Fix...".
- Type a name for the application (CM1020),, name of the vendor (SI), and click "Browse..." to locate cm0102.exe in your disk.
- Click "Next", and you should be on a page called "Compatibility Modes".
- Under "Operating System Modes" select "Windows 98/ME.
- In "Select additional compatibility modes" tick the box named "ProfilesSetup" (should be the bottom one).
- Click "Next" - you're now on a page called "Compatibility Fixed.
- Find and tick the box named "GlobalMemoryStatusLie".
- Click "Next", you're now on a page called "Matching Information".
- Click "Finish" and the wizard closes. Click "File" and choose "Save", and type a database name (for example: MyAppFixes), and click OK.
- After saving it, right click the database name (MyAppFixes) in "Custom Databases".
- Save it on your disk somwhere using the file dialog that comes up - default location is My Documents.
- Give it a file name and click "Save". From the menu, click "Install".
- You will get a dialog telling you that the database was installed.
- A new item in the list on the left side will appear: "Installed Databases".
- Now try to run the game.

名稱: CM99/00官方更新v3.72
日期: 2000-03-02
遊戲版本: CM 99/00
容量: 3.17MB
作者: Sports Interactive
檔案名稱 容量 HTTP 下載 BT 下載
CM99/00官方更新v3.72 3.53MB 下載(1050)